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The original transcript of these minutes can be found in the Ranch Archives section and are available for download.



The following are transcripts of photocopies of Earby Urban District Council minutes held at Barnoldswick Library.

Research is by Stephanie Carter.

The Ranch - Northholme Estate


22 January 1941


Billeting of war workers

Compilation of a local register of lodging accommodation.

20 March 1841

Billeting officer stated that it was proposed to billet 1500 transferred workers within the Earby district.  The workers were expected early May and it was now necessary to make a further survey of accommodation.

Highways Committee

Rover Company Limited (Aero Engines), Erection of Hutments

7 May 1941

Present:  Councillor Payne (in the chair) and Councillors Bishop, Bond, Clegg, Cross, Firth, Foster, Oates and Shaw.

The Clerk and Accountant reported on an interview he had had (together with the Surveyor) with two members of the Rover Company, and an official of the Air Ministry.  The Clerk stated that the Air Ministry proposed to requisition land opposite the Punch Bowl Inn, and at the top of Salterforth Lane, Earby, for the purpose of erecting hutments to house employees of the Rover Company Limited.


  • That this Council approve the temporary erection of the proposed hutments for the period of the emergency, which was the occasion of the passing of the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939.

  • That in view of the temporary nature of the project, the Council do not incur any expense in continuing the existing electricity, sewage and water services to the sites concerned.

The land at the top of Salterforth Lane on the right was owned by Shuttleworths of North Holme Farm to the left by Harrisons of White House.

Erection of Hutments, Salterforth Lane

2 July 1941

The Clerk read a letter from Messrs E & W Shuttleworth, of North Holme Farm, Earby, complaining of the action taken by the Air Ministry in connection with the proposed erection of hutments in Salterforth Lane.

184.  RESOLVED:  That the Clerk be instructed to send a suitable reply.

The land on the Northolme side was called Howgill.  There was a big dip in the middle - levelling and drainage would be difficult.

Erection of Hutments, Salterforth Lane

9th July 1941

Highways Committee

Erection of Hutments, Salterforth Lane - Sewers

30 July 1941

The Surveyor reported that the Air Ministry did not propose to provide for a separate surface water sewer in the layout of the proposed hutments at Salterforth Lane.

201.  RESOLVED:  That the Surveyor be instructed to write to the Air Ministry requesting that provision be made for a separate sewer for surface water.

Air raid precautions comm.

Transferred War Workers Report of Meeting

30 July 1941

The Chairman and Clerk reported on the proceedings of a meeting held in the Council Offices, Earby, on the 29 July 1941, which was attended by the following persons:

Councillor A H Clegg - Clerk and Billeting Officer, representing the Earby Urban District Council

Mr J Mc Cree - Ministry of Health

Miss E G Spatchet - Ministry of Labour

Mrs J Caldwell Brown - Ministry of Labour

The Chairman stated that approximately 300 workers had been billeted on a voluntary basis, and as saturation point had almost been reached, the Ministry of Health had given instructions for the compulsory powers to be put into operation if other voluntary billets were not forthcoming.  The Chairman also explained that the Welfare Department of the Ministry of Labour was prepared to give assistance wherever possible, and that steps had been taken to recommend to the appropriate authority, that extra stocks of unrationed foods be made available in the district.

Erection of Hutments, Salterforth Lane, Earby

27 August 1941

Further to Minute No 201 the Surveyor reported on the negotiations he had had with officials of the Air Ministry in connection with the sewers on the new site.

296.  RESOLVED:  That the Surveyor be instructed to inform the Air Ministry that the Council require provision to be made for a separate surface water sewer.​

Erection of Hutments, Salterforth Lane - Electricity Supply

August 1941


The Surveyor reported on negotiations to date in connection with the supply of electricity to the above hutment site.  The Chairman also reported that he had authorised the attendance of the Electrical Engineer in London to confer with representatives of the Air Ministry with a view to reaching agreement on matters outstanding.


  • That the report be received and approved.

  • That the action of the Chairman be approved

Erection of Hutments, Salterforth Lane - Sewers

10 September 1941

Further to Minutes Numbers 201 and 296 the Surveyor reported on further meetings he had had with representatives of the Air Ministry and that it had now been agreed to provide a separate sewer for the conveyance of surface water from the roadways and roofs of the hutments.

328.  RESOLVED:  That the report be received and approved.

...the proposed scheme for supplying electricity to the hutments in process of erection at Salterforth Lane, and also reported on an interview he had had with Mr Pike on Thursday, 25 September, 1941 in the Council Offices, Earby.

October 1941

365.  RESOLVED: 

  • That the reports be received and approved.

  • That providing the Treasury grant the indemnity asked for by the Clerk in a letter addressed to the Ministry of Aircraft Production, dated the 16th July 1941, the Council take no objection to the revised layout submitted by Mr Pike on the occasion of his visit to Earby on the 25 September 1941.

  • That the Council consider that it will be in the interest of all concerned if a full comprehensive tender be obtained by the Ministry of Aircraft Production for the whole of the work in connection with the provision of a sub-station, cables, equipment, including all necessary material and labour, and for the connection of a low tension cable to the existing low tension cable in the vicinity.

  • That the Nelson Corporation shall run high tension services from their overhead line to the sub-station at the expense of the Air Ministry, and

  • That the Chairman's action in authorising Mr Stewart to attend the Air Ministry in London, etc be approved.

176.  Hutments, Salterforth Lane

5 November 1941

The Clerk reported receipt of a letter from the Ministry of Aircraft Production requesting that the Council would undertake the management of the 176 married quarters in course of erection, which would include:

  • The letting of incoming tenants nominated by the Rover Company Limited.

  • The collection of rents.

  • Attendance and supervision of the necessary repairs and maintenance.​


The Clerk stated that the repairs would be chargeable to the Ministry of Aircraft Production and that the Council would be renumerated at the rate of 5% of the actual net rents (exclusive of rates) collected.


That the Council agree to undertaken on behalf of the Ministry of Aircraft Production, the management of the 176 married quarters, on the terms set out in the letter from the Ministry of Aircraft Production dated the 1 November 1941.

Salterforth Lane Hutment Scheme - Report of Chairman

12 November 1941

The Chairman reported that he had further considered Minute No 365 and in view of the urgency for housing accommodation in the district, he had authorised the Survey to carry out certain duties that weould expedite the giving of a supply of electricity to the hutments.  The Chairman said that after a further consultation with Mr T Pike it had been agreed as follows:

  • The Surveyor to supply a plan for the proposed Sub-Station to be erected by Messrs N B Bll and Co as contractors to the Ministry of Aircraft Production.

  • Nelson Corporation to supply and install all HT, gear and apparatus at the Sub-Station, as subcontractors to the Council, who will be reimbursed by the Ministry of Aircraft Production.

  • Messrs, Pollard and Co to be responsible for the electric wiring of the hutments from the meter board stage.

  • Messrs N B Bell and Co to excavate for and lay the whole of the HT and LT mains, under the supervision of the Surveyor, as contractors to the Ministry of Aircraft Production.


  • That the report be received, and

  • That the Chairman's action be...

General Purposes Committee

Salterforth Lane - Estate Street Names

10 December 1941

The Clerk submitted a letter from the Rover Company, (Aero Engines) Limited suggesting certain names for the new estate, pursuant to Section 17(1) of the Public Health Act, 1925.

511.  RESOLVED:  That this Council approve the following street names for the Salterforth Lane Housing Estate:

  • ​Tyseley Grove​

  • Kenilworth Drive

  • Chesford Drive

  • Moseley Avenue

  • Warwick Drive

  • Earlesdon Avenue

  • Churchill Avenue

December Salterforth Lane site valuation officer rates - gross value £20.00, rateable value £12.00.

Finance Committee

18 February 1942

The Clerk and Accountant reported that 14 married quarters had been completed, and that a considerable number were expected before the end of March and sought the Committee's instructions on matters appertaining to the management of the estate, and the rent collection.


  • That upon the completion of the married quarters, all matters connected with the management of such premises be referred to the Housing Committee.

  • That the Clerk and Accountant be responsible for the control and supervision of the housing rent collection, and...

  • That the collection of rents in respect of the married quarters and other Council properties be performed by Mr J Mosley.

25 March 1942

568 persons transferred war workers have been billeted in Earby to date.

Messrs E & W Shuttleworth, North Holme farm were paid by EUDC for the land in 1951.

S R Carter

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